"Yong Quan "- Finding Acupressure Point 1

   A few year ago I was in a hospital to give my friend’s mother a massage.  My friend said her mother’s heartbeat was very slow.  I saw the computer screen showed 40.  She went out to find the doctor while her two brothers stayed in the patient room.  Meanwhile her mother’s heartbeat continued to drop, 35…30.  I asked her brothers if I can try to help their mother.  I said to them that your mother did not have time to wait for the doctor.  By the time the doctor arrived and administered the medicine, it may be too late.

    They agreed.  I have them pushed their mother’s “Laogong”, a pressure point in the palm of the hand.  One son pushed left hand and the other son pushed right hand.  At the same time, I pushed her “Yong Quan” in both feet.  "Yong Quan" is a pressure point located in the arch of the foot.  After a few minutes, their mother heartbeat began to rise 30..39..50..52..60..67.

    When my friend and the doctor came, her mother's heartbeat was restored to 67.

I am not a doctor and I do not administer treatment.  Please do not copy what I did.

 涌泉穴(Yong Quan )

Yong Quan means stream water. It's the first point on the kidney channel. I don't want to write points positions and function because you can search online.

Yong Quan is the first point on the Kidney Channel and it is the first point been discovered.  Let's talk about how I find and discover the points.

Points are not on the computer, not in the chart, not in some famous teacher or doctor's lecture.
It is not in the experience!

Points are in your body, in your life! I feel them with my hands, body, heart, and spirit.  I don't need to memorize them.

Points were first discovered in ancient time by accident.  A few thousand years ago. a Chinese man went hunting.  He had a headache and was feeling dizzy.  While walking he stepped on a pointy stone.  He felt the pain in his foot however his headache and dizziness disappeared.
He was very happy! He told his friends and used the same stone to treat others who had a headache or dizziness.  They thought the stone has healing power.  Later they discovered other Stone works as well.

The stone was the original needle.  This point is "Yong Quan".

After, people tried to use the needle to stab different point to treat various illness and recorded what channel for which organ.

This is the first way to find point! What is the second way?

You will discover the second way in my post.

If you want to learn more about me & my massage please click here

I wish you a good health!